Calling all designers in the Phoenix, AZ area! Phoenix Fashion Week is headed your way. We are beginning our search for the best up and coming fashion brands to take part in our 2018 Emerging Designer Program. If you are interested come meet us and learn more about our program!
WHEN: Thursday 1/11 From 7:00pm – 9:00pm.
WHERE: Monorchid www.monorchid.com
ADDRESS: 214 E. Roosevelt Street Phoenix, AZ 85004
HOSTED BY: Aconav & MCA- PHXFW”s Designer of the Year Winners 2017
EACH YEAR: Our designer scouts travel to cities throughout the U.S. and host fashionable “Meet & Greets” at hand selected venues. The purpose is to introduce our www.phoenixfashionweek.com team to the local fashion scene and potentially INVITE top fashion professionals in Phoenix to be a part of our Fall Fashion… Week in Arizona.
RSVP: Brenna@phoenixfashionweek.com
Provide: Your full name, brand name, website address, contact e-mail, & contact phone #.